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Relentlessly pursuing your vision.

thredUP is inspir­ing a new gen­er­a­tion of con­sumers to think sec­ond­hand first.

Relentlessly pursuing your vision.

We’re proud to be ear­ly back­ers of Out­reach, the first uni­corn in the sales engage­ment category.

Relentlessly pursuing your vision.

Tur­o’s peer car shar­ing mar­ket­place is putting the world’s 1.5 bil­lion cars to bet­ter use.

Relentlessly pursuing your vision.

Con­grat­u­la­tions to iden­ti­ty man­age­ment leader Auth0 on their acqui­si­tion by Okta

A more per­son­al approach to ear­ly-stage investing

We invest in mission-driven entrepreneurs, not just their companies. Together, we turn your ambitions into reality.

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Com­mit­ted to an uncom­mon degree

We’re available and engaged from day one, bringing experience and resolve to every venture. We build lasting relationships based on intellectual candor and respect.

Meet our team
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In good company

For over 30 years, we have cham­pi­oned break­through ideas that trans­form mar­kets and lives. Once you’re part of the port­fo­lio, you’re part of the family.

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